My friend and I went to Goodwill today to select a doll for the One-Man-Hide-and-Seek ritual. We found this creepy grandma doll thing. It looks like it was homemade, meaning, the origin can be anything. Much better than a factory made doll, I hope. It is also fairly big, hopefully it won't be too good at hiding. Now I need to come up with enough rice to fill it.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Second Experience.
After having a pretty successful commune with the /x/-philes about the can movement, I decided to go ahead and treat them to pictures of my creepy attic. I didn't expect anything to show, but as one observant anon pointed out- there was something a bit off in one of these pictures. I will go ahead and post the pictures in the order it goes into the attic.
These are all taken in pitch black with a flashlight and camera flash.
Bottom of the elevator looking up:
The stairs going into the attic:
Looking to the right at the top of the stairs:
Turning 360degrees from the top of the stairs. This is the photo that has the odd occurrence in it. On the right side of the mirrors on the floor there is what looks to be the image of a baby.

Next photo- to the right of above.
Close up of really old desks. These are one of the things that I think something might have a chance to be attached to.
That is my attic. One sort of random item, make of it what you will. I will be trying to talk to it with Ouija. I don't expect anything.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
First Happening
Before I tell you the first strange thing that happened to me, I want to explain something that
I've been experiencing since I moved in. Whenever staring at small stationary things they tend to move slightly and very slowly. For example. There are these holes in my ceiling that look like insects crawling away from each other if you stare at them the right way, kind of like the phenomena that happens when you stare for too long an the lights begin to dim.

Here is the actual story:
It happened on Sunday, 6/27/10. I was sitting at
my computer around noon that day. My
Mountain Dew can was to the left of me, and out of the corner of my eye it looked like it was moving. I thought it was this weird, aforementioned effect happening. So I stared at it trying to see how far it could move on the table. It did not stop until it moved to the point where it altered plastic caps on my table. The image displays the set up after I moved the can back over to where it was and then placed my TV remote next to it so I could see if it moved again. I did take the time to try to move it again via lifting my table to see if it slid due to an uneven table. I tried to blow on it to see if my AC unit moved it. There was a line of condensation on the table the distance that it moved. The can was a little less than half empty when it moved. I could not budge the can in any of my attempts to recreate the event.
Monday, June 28, 2010
More About Me
I think its a bit important to explain where I am coming from in all this before I move on.
As far as it goes for /x/, I've been lurking around on and off for about 4 years now. I post sometimes but never really contribute. I come for the creepy pasta mainly... but the most interesting things are personal accounts of random snidbits. Unfortunately, these are hard to follow and get lost easily among the waves of /b/tards trolling around.
When it comes to believing in paranormal things, I lean towards the skeptic side. I want to invetigate and try to replicate. I don't like to believe that Ouija boards or divining rods are actual tools for connecting with spirits. I think things like orbs are total BS and that there is probably a better explanation than ghosts 99% of the time. BUT. I do believe. I have had some very intense experiences with a ghost that haunted my old house when I was between the ages of 5 and 8. I don't pass these experiences off as bad dreams from my childhood because my mother also has similar and separate experiences that confirm my own.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I am not going to mislead you and look into silly things more than a reasonable person would. I am reliable and I promise to cut through the crap.
I live in a funeral home. I am a 21 year old dude stationed in the great American Mid-West. I have taken an interest in the death care profession known as funeral directing so I did what was natural, enrolled in a mortuary science school. I am now studying to be a funeral director, and have moved into a funeral home in order to gather experience and first hand knowledge on how the business works.
Well, at first I had a roommate, but he has graduated and moved out. The funeral on a whole really isn't that creepy or leads on to be paranormal in any way. People don't die here, why would it be haunted? The home itself was built (I believe, will do more research later) in 1928. Not even terribly old.
So now I live alone in a pretty average funeral home... It can't be that simple.
After poking around in the attic I discovered some very old school desks that my boss is storing for a historical society. I figured I'd try to see if there was anything attached to these relics by use of a Ouija Board. My accomplice, who I will refer to as "D", a fellow student, wanted to assist me in this. Seeing as you need more than your pathetic own self, I saw no trouble in this. We went to the attic late one night and sat in the dark with our shiny new glow in the dark Ouija.
I don't remember too many details from that evening, seeing as we were both somewhat inebriated, but we did contact some sort of maybe spirit that was kind enough to tell us he was 5 years old and had been up there for 50 years. But regardless, I thought nothing of this since I am a pretty large skeptic with these sort of things.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Here is the blog.
I will update later. I just wanted to get the link out to cool dudes in the attic thread.
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